Sadly I am already behind. Her we are close to Christmas and I am still in October :) Here are a few hightlights.
In October our good friends Tiff and Nate came to visit and go to General Conference, as blogged about. What was not mentioned yet was how that same weekend my youngest sister Hayley was hit by a car. After the initial shock of it all, came relief that she was alive. She had been coming home from a HS football game and was hit by someone not paying attention while crossing the crosswalk. Later we found that her ACL and meniscus was torn. She has undergone major knee surgery and is going through recovery presently. While this is not something we would have ever wished for we just feel so truley blessed that she is ok and with us today. Later in the month our cousin Maggie threw Hayley a Sweet 16! She rocked the party crutches and all :) We love you Hayley!
On a much lighter note later in October our great friends Jake & Rach hosted a Murder mystery Party. It was SO fun. Shane was Byron P. Keaton, geek turned millionaire, and I was Natalie Nebraska, head cheerleader stuck in HS mode. We dressed 80's, all got in character and had a blast. Thanks Rach!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Summer Time and the living is..well was easy
Here are some family pictures we took this summer that I forgot to post until now. My brother-in-law Mikey took the beach shots while we were in San Diego in May and Alexa's friend Amanda took the Pack Family Pictures in July. Better late than never though right!!! We love them!! So nice to have connections to get great shots.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Happy Halloween
This Halloween was a long one. Since our ward Halloween party was on the 22nd Miss Kay thought why not dress up different each time.
A. Ward Halloween Party we were from Peter Pan. Shane was Peter, I was Tigerlily, Kennady was Tinkerbell and Kaylee was Wendy.

B. Although we thought the Peter Pan theme was cute Kaylee decided that she wanted to be Snow White to her Pre School and friends Halloween Parties. Kennady was Minnie.
C. Lastly the "real" Halloween the girls decided to be witches. Luckily these were costumes I got last year for 90% off so I was happy to see them used.
A. Ward Halloween Party we were from Peter Pan. Shane was Peter, I was Tigerlily, Kennady was Tinkerbell and Kaylee was Wendy.
B. Although we thought the Peter Pan theme was cute Kaylee decided that she wanted to be Snow White to her Pre School and friends Halloween Parties. Kennady was Minnie.
C. Lastly the "real" Halloween the girls decided to be witches. Luckily these were costumes I got last year for 90% off so I was happy to see them used.
After trunk or treating in the pouring rain with my family we headed over to the Pack house to eat and hopefully have another try at trick or treating. The rain finally stopped so we got the girls all ready to go. The first house we went to was an interesting experience. We should have known ny the scary music playing and the decor, but my mother-in-law assured us her neighbor was nice. Well...he came out in a very creepy mask walking with a limp and the girls FREAKED!! Kennady kept yelling no while hugging Grandma Pack and Kaylee was shouting things like "never" and "save me." needless to say not the best way to start the evening. We had to force them to go further and knock on some of the doors for them. Luckily the rest of the houses were nice men and women handing out candy. That made the girls a little less nervous. Obviously now Hennley, the neighbor, is referred to as scary and somewhere the girls never want to go again! hahaha.
Trying to get a family picture
To end our long night we stopped by my Aunt's to celebrate Hayley's sweet 16. My cousin Maggie has planned a surprise party and Hayley was so surprised. It was really fun!
Of course the next day we had to have a Halloween Party :) We invited over friends and family, required everyone bring something spooky and delicious and had a great time! Worm sandwiches, caramel apple cider, lady fingers, candy corn cupcakes and so many other yummy treats! Of course I didn't get too many pictures, but it was still such a fun time! Hopefully next year we can just have one good Halloween and not 4 or 5 fake ones :)
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