
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kennady's 2nd Birthday Bash

In light of Kennady turning 2 we decided to have a big party because at this house everything is over done! Although Kennie won't really remember the ornate decorations, the hours it took me to make the favors and the last minute stress attacks I do it because I love it!! I actually do love throwing parties. I love having people over, I love making food and I love having an excuse to get together as family and friends to socialize and have a good time. Luckily Shane loves it too :) Thank you to all who came and made her birthday party such a fun time. We love you all! Can't wait for the next reason to get together :) Enjoy the pictures. Hopefully next time I'll remember to take a group shot of the kiddies.
PS The favors are mini piñatas filled with candy, aka two Styrofoam cups taped together and covered in streamers. Cute, but time consuming.


For Valentine's Day this year Shane and I celebrated HS style. We dressed up, enjoyed dinner with our "group" and went to a dance!! haha Katie's Stake had a Valentine's Dance with live band, refreshments and  pictures. Yes, we had a good time. Yes, we took awkward prom pose pictures, and yes we slow danced! Although I did feel 16 again as we created our dance circle and showed off our moves we ended up having such a great time and can't wait for the next event!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day of Love

Happy Valentine's Day! The girls and I had a lovely Valentine's Day. We spent the morning with Daddy and some pink pancakes, then a little party with friends and afternoon with Aunties. A day of Love spent with those we love. I am so truly blessed to have so much love and support in my life.
Here are a few things I love on the Day of Love!
I LOVE my amazing husband who works so hard for us and is such a brilliant father!
I LOVE my babies. I cannot imagine my life without them!!
I LOVE my great friends. They are fun and sweet and always there when I truly need them.
I LOVE my Savior. He gives me purpose, joy and a knowledge that the things I love the most can be mine forever!

There are so many other things I love, but those are what I consider to be most important. I hope everyone enjoyed their Day of Love. Until next year, LOVE on :)