My little girls just adore their daddy. The love playing with him, reading with him, going on date with him and just being around him. They've had a hard time with his crazy school and work schedule this summer because some days they don't see him at all. Shane makes up for it when he's home though! Now that the girls are older Father's Day was a fun one. Kaylee decided that she wanted to get Shane a belt and a pink and grey shirt. She was very specific. So we headed to Target to search for those items. It took a while but finally Kaylee saw a pink polo with grey, blue and white stripes on it. She yelled, "There it is. It's perfect." It was the cutest thing ever. I wasn't too sure it was something Shane would wear, but he was a great sport about it and wore it all day. The girls loved making daddy cards, getting breakfast for him and having him open his presents in bed. Kaylee sang to her Dad in church and filled out a paper all about her daddy all by herself. It's one of the funnier things we've started doing in primary. You'd be surprised the answers the kids give about their mom's and dad's.

We were also able to enjoy some yummy food up at the Packs and then visit with my dad's family at my Grandparents house. The girls and I just feel so luck to have a great dad around. Shane is awesome! We also love our Grandpa Lynn and Grandpa John! They are the best grandpa's ever. Shane and I also feel blessed to have some awesome Grandparents ourselves with my Grandpa Miller and Grandpa Shepherd. Great men full of love and charity! Thanks to all the Father's on Father's Day! You make the world better.