
Thursday, January 6, 2011


This year I had decided to post something I was thankful for every day. I did miss a few days, but it was such a neat experience. It helped to really focus on the true meaning on Thanksgiving and all the things that I am grateful for. It helped us to really have such a nice Thanksgiving holiday. We celebrated with my family and then Shane's family. It was so nice to express the things we were thankful for and be reminded of all the blessings we have on our lives.  I decided to re-post them on my blog so I can have record of them.

I am grateful for food. I eat way too much of it, but I am glad it is available to me!

I am grateful for Friends. They make life so nice!

I am grateful for kids. They test you and drive you insane sometimes, but they also teach you how to love whole heartedly, be selfless, laugh, smile and be better people. I love my babies!

I am grateful for Girl's Nights! Friends, crafts, food and lots and lots of giggling. Yep I am 26 and said giggling :) love it!!

I am grateful for parents. I have great parents and great parents-in-law. I even have some amazing honorary parents :) Now that I am one I can fully appreciate all that they did for me and am grateful mine didn't ever give up on me in my awesome teenage years :) Thank you so much!!!

I am grateful for religion. I am thankful for my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and for my membership in the LDS church. It gives me strength, direction and purpose. I am Thankful to Heavenly Father for all the many blessings he has given me personally. I am thankful for the two babies He has trusted me with, the great family He stuck me in and the amazing husband He graciously put into my life.

I am grateful for new beginnings. Each day starts with them and hopefully I can get better at making them last longer than the actual day :) Fresh starts after getting impatient with the kids, starting over after a long day, or really whatever it is just starting something new and hopefully better! Carpe Diem :) Seize the NEW day!

 I am grateful for heat! When the weather outside is frightful, I can turn on my heat. Thank heavens for the warmth inside when it is starting to get so chilly outside. I guess I am also very thankful for the AC when it's much to hot outside.

I am grateful for our troops. For all those who serve near and far. For those who have come before us and given so much so that we can enjoy the freedoms we enjoy today, and for those who are still fighting that battle so we can continue to enjoy those freedoms. For anyone who bravely serves our country, to you I am grateful!

I am grateful for bedtime. It doesn't always go smoothly, but when it's in effect and there is quiet in this house...ahhh. I love it. Time for mom to relax, kick up her feet and re-fuel before tomorrow :)

I am grateful for sleep! I don't get tons of it like I use to, but when I do it is magical!

 I am grateful for nights off :) For loud TV at night, sleeping in past 7 am and spending time just Shane and I. Thanks Grandparents :)

I am gratfeul for sympathy! That is what I got today at the car place when I burst into tears about the fee I had to pay. The nice guy then cut it in half and that was nice! He felt bad for the nutty lady crying in his shop.

I am grateful for Sports. Not necessarily for myself, although I did love soccer back in the day, but more for my hubby's entertainment. It's cute seeing him get so into all the games and such. To me I'd rather poke my eyes out, but he loves it so I love it. While he enjoys them, I enjoy Shara-time :)

I am grateful for my body. Of course not the shape because I am a woman therefore I will never love that part. I love that I can chase my kids, pick them up and kiss them, see their beautiful faces, hear their adorable voices, fingers that move, legs that can walk, and once danced :) and hips that can ZUMBA :) haha honestly though I am so grateful for all the things my body allows me to do everyday!

 I am grateful for the arts, Singing and dancing! Ah what a passion of mine. I miss it. Seeing my beautiful sister dance tonight was amazing. She is awesome! Something about the power of music and how it transcends everything amazes me. Music touches my heart when words alone fail. Then the beauty of dance, to be able to tell a story, express an emotion or paint a picture with movement. LOVE!

I am grateful for sisters. Sisters in blood and spirit! My own sisters who are awesome and some of my greatest friends. Then my sisters in spirit who know me better than anyone, are always there and have seen me through thick and thin since the beginning "Shara" days. I love you all!! Nothing like sisterhood, nothing in the whole world!!

 I am grateful for emotions. Even though I feel like an OVER emotional girl most of the time :), I am just happy to be able to feel. And although there is grief, sorrow and sadness there is also excitement, love and pure joy too! We must know the bitter to enjoy the sweet and how more appreciative are we for our many blessings after we experience trials. Not always fun, but always worth it.

I am grateful for traditions. I am grateful for the awesome people in my life who have worked so hard to create such wonderful traditions in my life like San Diego, Christmas, Shepherd birthday song etc. Now I look forward to the traditions I can make in my own children's life. It's something that takes some effort, but the reward is SOOOO great.

I am grateful for love. It really makes the world go round! Love for a friend, a parent, a sibling, a child and especially a spouse. What a lonely world it would be if we didn't have someone to love :) Thank you to all those who love me. You make my life amazing and I hope you know how much I love you!!

Today I am grateful for Holidays. Days throughout the year that we celebrate something special with our loved ones. Usually delicious food is present, which is never a bad thing :), and we reflect on all that is most important to us. On this Thanksgiving day I am ever so grateful for the many blessings in my life and have enjoyed reflecting on them this month.

I am grateful for my mind. Now I don't claim to have a prize winning noggin and besides the occasional spaciness, which I totally blame on having kids, my mind is strong and clear. My heart goes out to all those who suffer from mind debilitating disorders and illnesses. May we all be grateful for the ability to recall memories, learn new things and comprehend different concepts and ideas.

I am grateful for humor. Funny shows, goofy jokes and crazy stories. Nothing like a good laugh to put ya in a good mood. Also nothing like your kids saying things that make you crack up like Kennady saying, "what the," and Kaylee using words like frustrating, disappointed and hilarious. Oh how humor puts a smile on my face!!

 I am grateful for technology! Phones, computers, internet, cable....It is great. I try not to let it run my life, but it sure does make things easy!

I am grateful for this month. I have been able to really think about my blessings and what I am most grateful for in my life. I have come to appreciate the little things I have as well as remember the important things I couldn't live without. I feel truly blessed!!

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