Our little Kennie Lynn is now 2! The time has flown. It really does feel like yesterday that I had my appointment at 37 weeks and was in denial on how I was already dilating and that the baby would come soon so Shane told my mom to come if I were you :) She did come and after a few days of being here we went to see a midnight showing of Twilight with Stina, came home, got sick, went to bed and then my water broke. Kennady arrived after only a short 3 1/2 hours and now here we are 2 years later!
We love our little Kennady so much and can't imagine life without her. She has sass and personality, but she is also kind and gentle when she wants to be. She now says EVERYTHING, sleeps in a big girl bed, has NO interest in the potty, loves princesses and chapstick, likes to take off her clothes ALWAYS, can take on In-N-Out hamburgers and adores her big sister Kaylee very much. She is awesome!I love having my two little girls! We love you Kennady! Happy Birthday!
happy birthday kennie!!!! I still remember going to the movies too and bang! the next morning you had a baby!